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Although I was a little surprised that this book was named theCaldecott winner this year, the first time I read it to a class, Iunderstood why. Kindergartners and first graders absolutely LOVEit! They laughed out loud and covered their eyes as the animalstumbled to the ground. I enjoy it more every time I share it with agroup of students. It's first rate!

There are some books in the world that you can flip through inthe bookstore and get a pretty good idea of the plot andcharacters. Then there are books like "My Friend Rabbit". Roughly ayear ago I wanted to know what all the "My Friend Rabbit" fuss wasabout. I mean, this book was a 2003 Caldecott Award winner afterall. I wanted to see why. So I went to my local independentbookstore and flipped through it. I flipped and flipped and wasbaffled by the heaping helpfuls of praise it had received. Myhaphazard flipping didn't reveal anything particularly interestingor original in the story. Fast forward a year and I've finallytaken the time to sit down and read, "My Friend Rabbit" in itsentirety (a process which took me all of 93 seconds). Suddenly Iunderstood why it was so beloved. Though an incredibly simple plot,story, and set of characters, "My Friend Rabbit" is a remarkablybeautiful tale of two woodland creatures and their plane relatedmisadventures. It's simple in words and complex invisuals.

Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler team up again to create thisfunny and adorable sequel to The Gruffalo. One night, theGruffalo’s child wanders into the woods to search for the Big BadMouse. But instead, she comes upon a small mouse in the woods . . .and decides to eat him! But wait, what is that? A shadow of a verylarge, scary creature falls on the ground. Could it be the Big BadMouse after all?

On Monday he ate through one apple.

But he was still hungry.

On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was stillhungry.

On Wednesday he ate though three plums, but he was stillhungry.

On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was stillhungry......'

On Saturday, he eats so much he has a stomachache......but putsit right on Sunday, when he only nibbles through a nice greenleaf!

Then he builds a cocoon and stays inside for over twoweeks......and an amazing thing happens!

Katy caboose doesn't like her life at the back of the train.Stuck with clouds of billowing smoke from the engine and a bumpy,jolting ride, she longs for some peace and quiet. When her rustybolts bust loose, Katy finally gets the life she wants in a way shenever expected This Read-Along Book and CD Favorite includes apaperback edition of the book and a compact disc in a newlydesigned reusable package. Perfect for car trips, classrooms, andbedtime listening, these recordings feature lively sound effectsand original music. The CD includes one reading with page-turnsignals as well as an uninterrupted reading.

"The Wily woman eludes the thief and then leads him into aneerie swamp where this curious adventure takes a surprising andlaughable turn."--Publishers Weekly. A Caldecott Honor Book. An ALANotable Children's Book. A Booklist Editors' Choice. Winner of theBoston Globe-Horn Book Award. Full color.



在英语中,“moonshine”一词既可以表示月光,又可以表示空想出来的事,因此爸爸口中所说的“假想”,在莎莎听来却总是“月光”。四届凯迪克大奖得主伊芙琳?内丝以非凡的艺术功力,成功运用黑、灰、金三色,描绘出美国北部海岸平静的渔村风光及生活于其中的孩子们内心的骚动。故事给小读者们提出了一些问题,包括如何区分想象和现实,想象有没有好坏之分等等。书中爸爸对莎莎的接纳、关怀和引导等种种表现,对面临相似问题的家长应该也有所启发吧。    Samantha (known as Sam) is a fisherman’s daughterwho dreams rich and lovely dreams--moonshine, her father says. Butwhen her tall stories bring disaster to her friend Thomas and hercat Bangs, Sam learns to distinguish between moonshine andreality.

The lively adventures of the twelve famous little girls andGenevieve the dog take readers once more to Bemelmans' unique anddelightful Paris. A Caldecott Award Book. Full-color illustrations.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition ofthis title.

 池塘里有一条小鱼和一只蝌蚪,他们形影不离。慢慢地,蝌蚪变成了青蛙,并且离开池塘看到了外面的世界。他跟鱼讲述了自己新奇的见闻,鱼也开始憧憬起外面的世界来。有一天,他终于鼓足勇气,爬上了岸……Illus. in full color. A modern fable of a minnow who wants tofollow his tadpole friend--who becomes a frog--onto land.

Frog is feeling most unwell. He keeps getting hot, then cold,and something inside his chest is going “thump, thump.” Hare saysit means he’s in love! But who with? And how can he show hisdevotion — perhaps by performing the biggest jump ever?

A charming Frog story, showing friendship and parting -- nowavailable in paperback.

When Frog finds a teddy bear he takes him home and plays footballwith him during the day and tells him stories at night. But, evenso, one day he doesn’t want to play or talk anymore. He wants to gohome. But that doesn’t mean he can’t come back again, doesit?

甘伯伯是谁呢?他驾的小船真有点儿像诺亚方舟,看!小女孩、小猫、小狗、小猪……都来搭船了。画面的节奏跳跃,非常富有韵律。左边是咖啡色线条的甘伯伯与小船的远景,右面是新来的动物彩色夸大的“写真”。这些乘客一个一个上船了,光是“我想搭船”这句话就用不同的句子写了9遍May Icome with you?Can Icome along, Mr. Gumpy?I’d likea ride.Will youtake me with you?May Icome, please?Have ayou a place for me?Can wecome too?Can youmake room for me?May Ijoin you?甘伯伯来者不拒,但是有一条:不许吵哦!可是开船没多久,小羊就踢了起来,牛就踹了一脚,小猫就去追兔子……小船翻了。甘伯伯并没有发脾气,而是带着乘客们到了不远的岸上,如果浑身湿漉漉的,还有什么比喝温暖的下午茶更好的呢?One day, Mr Gumpy decides to take a trip along the river in hisboat, but the children, the rabbit, the cat, the pig and lots morefriends ask to join him. Everyone's having a lovely time until theanimals start flapping, hopping, bleating, and kicking and the boatstarts to rock...

        这是一只蜗牛?还是一只蝴蝶?每打开一页,你都会看到不同的动物在向你微笑,猜猜看,你能说出它的名字吗?    这是一只老鼠?还是一只企鹅?每打开一页,你都会看到不同的动物在向你微笑,猜猜看,你能说出它的名字吗?    这是一只青蛙?还是一只海龟?每打开一页,你都会看到不同的动物在向你微笑,猜猜看,你能说出它的名字吗?      这是一只小猫?还是一只小鸭子?每打开一页,你都会看到不同的动物在向你微笑,猜猜看,你能说出它的名字吗?

   那天晚上,麦克斯穿上他的狼服,开始了恶作剧。妈妈骂他:“野兽!”麦克斯说:“我要吃掉你!”结果妈妈没让他吃晚饭,把他关到了房间里。   正是在那天晚上,麦克斯的房间里长出了一片树林,海上漂来了一艘小船。他日夜航行,一个星期又一个星期,几乎用了一年的时间,到了一个野兽出没的地方。野兽们发出了可怕的咆哮,磨着它们可怕的牙齿,转动着它们可怕的眼睛,伸出了它们可怕的爪子。“别动!”麦克斯的眼睛一眨也不眨,盯着它们的黄眼睛,用魔法驯服了它们。它们全都害怕了,把他当成了野兽之王。   “现在,”麦克斯喊,“让野兽们闹起来吧!”它们又是对着月亮吼叫,又是吊在树上,等闹够了,“停!”麦克斯不让它们吃晚饭就让它们去睡觉了。

可是他这个野兽之王突然感到孤独起来,想到一个被人爱的地方去。这时,从遥远的世界的那一边,飘来了好吃的东西的香味。   他决定放弃在这个野兽出没的地方当国王了。可是野兽们喊:“哦,请不要走——我们要把你吃掉——我们如此爱你!”野兽们发出可怕的咆哮,磨着它们可怕的牙齿,转动着它们可怕的黄眼睛,伸出了它们可怕的爪子。但麦克斯还是上了他的小船,挥手说再见了。   然后他航行了一年,又回到了他自己房间的那个夜晚。他发现他的晚饭正等着他,而饭还是热的。




  二十世纪五十年代,美国教育界反思儿童阅读能力低下的状况,认为一个重要原因就是当时广泛使用的进阶型读物枯燥无味,引不起孩子的兴趣。苏斯博士的Beginner Books便应运而生。作为初级阅读资料,这些书力求使用尽可能少的简单词汇,讲述完整的故事。但远远高于过去进阶型读物的,是苏斯博士丰富的想象力、引人入胜的情节和风趣幽默、充满创造力的绘画和语言。


苏斯博士,可以说是二十世纪最受欢迎的儿童图画书作家,在英语世界里,是家喻户晓的人物。他创作的图画书,人物形象鲜明,个性突出,情节夸张荒诞,语言妙趣横生,是半个多世纪以来孩子们的至爱,同时他的书也被教育工作者推荐给家长,作为提高阅读能力的重要读物。 《绿鸡蛋和火腿》的创作源于苏斯博士和一位朋友打赌,能否用五十个单词写成一个故事。于是便有了这本脍炙人口的书。故事是容易引起孩子共鸣的熟悉话题——要不要尝试新食物。故事情节发展激烈,一个拼命劝,一个玩命躲,最后的结局出人意料。苏斯博士的语言是节奏感很强的韵文,朗朗上口,书中所用词汇很少,而且句子结构大量重复,只置换少量单词,孩子一旦记住了第一句,后边的句子很容易读出来,让孩子颇有成就感。

The woodland animals were all getting ready for the winter.Geese flew south, rabbits and deer grew thick warm coats, and theraccoons and chipmunks lay down for a long winter nap. ComeChristmastime, the wise owls were the first to see the rainbowaround the moon. It was a sure sign that the big snow was on itsway.

三只青蛙生活在一起。一天,爱冒险的那只青蛙捡回了一颗巨大的蛋,等蛋孵好以后,他们和蛋里的“小鸡”成为了好朋友。大家一起生活一起玩耍,直到有一天,“小鸡”找到了自己的妈妈,三只青蛙很开心,不过,他们却很疑惑:“鸡”妈妈对自己孩子的叫法怎么跟他们不一样呢?Now in Dragonfly comes the tale of three colorful frogs. Onefinds a pebble.

Another declares it a chicken egg. But what happens when a babyalligator

hatches instead? "Kids will giggle at the frogs' repeatedreferences to the

friendly newborn as `the chicken.' They'll be even more tickledwhen the frogs

chuckle at the `mother chicken' who, finally reunited with heroffspring,

greets her `sweet little alligator'...In his 40th book, Lionni isin

typically fine form" (Publisher's Weekly).

It's spring and Little Nutbrown Hare learns how things grow - atadpole into a frog, a shoot into a big tree. And if everythinggrows and changes, can Little Nutbrown Hare guess what he mightgrow into one day?