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《大画世界经典系列二》是一套以精选世界名著故事和世界经典人物传说的故事绘本,包含《海底两万里》《雾都孤儿》《茜茜公主》《白牙》《埃及女王》5册。该系列画风精美大气,极具富艺术表现力,文字精炼生动,很有阅读感染力,既保留了原著中的故事脉络的完整性,又以高度凝练、概括的语言凸显了原著故事的精髓,是一套精美的从绘本到名著阅读的桥梁书。让儿童在阅读中感受经典的魅力,从而启迪童真梦想 、 激发艺术天赋。尤其适合6——10岁儿童阅读。





















力克·胡哲出生时罹患海豹肢症,天生没有四肢,曾经三次尝试自杀,10岁时第一次意识到“人要为自己的快乐负责”。他是澳大利亚第一批进入主流学校的残障儿童,高中时竞选学生会主席,并以压倒性胜利,被当地报纸封为“勇气主席”。21岁时大学毕业,拿下会计和财务规划双学位,熟稔投资,并拥有自己的公司。他冲浪、游泳、潜水;踢足球、溜滑板、打高尔夫样样在行。他创设“没有四肢的人生”非营利组织,实行创意行善。至今已在五大洲、超过25个国家,举办了1500多场演讲,给予(接受)数百万个拥抱,自称“拥抱机器”。2005年被提名为 “澳大利亚年度青年”,出版过两张畅销全球的DVD,为他量身打造的电影《蝴蝶马戏团》则在2009年获“门柱影片计划”大奖。他的书《人生不设限》和《永不止步》畅销全球,得到许多读者的热情反馈,并即将出版下一本新书《谁都不敢欺负你》 。2013年,他与妻子宫原·佳苗诞下第一个儿子,进入人生的另一阶段。他终于用一颗感恩的心,积极的人生态度和智慧,活出一个歌颂生命的故事。《亲爱的,给我一个拥抱》即选取了力克生命中八段最精彩的故事,每个故事都深深触及我们的内心,是一个让我们学会用爱去感受人生的励志绘本。在每篇故事的结尾处,都总结出“力克的人生哲学”作为故事升华,让每一个成人和孩子都可以从力克的故事中汲取自己最需要的那部分力量。





"I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree."In the spring, Nicholas likes to sniff the flowers, and in thesummer, watch the frogs in the pond. In the fall, he watches theanimals getting ready for winter, and in winter, watches the snowfalling from the sky. This beautifully illustrated, gentle story isone of Golden's most beloved titles.











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--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.

This new version of the Caldecott-winning classic by illustratorDavid Small and author Judith St. George is updated with currentfacts and new illustrations to include our forty-second president,George W. Bush. There are now three Georges in the catalog ofpresidential names, a Bush alongside the presidential family tree,and a new face on the endpaper portraiture.Hilariously illustrated by Small, this celebration by St. Georgeshows us the foibles, quirks and humanity of forty-two men who haverisen to one of the most powerful positions in the world. Perfectfor this election year--and every year!

When two boys carrying identical balloons meet, what's to do but argue over whose is better? Now in full color, Crosby Bonsall's beloved tale is available as a My First I Can Read Book certain to start readers off on the best foot.

Sammy the seal is bored with life at the zoo, so he leaves to go to the city. There, he finds a school full of kids and new things to do! Sammy sings with the students, becomes the star of the volleyball team, and even learns to read. He can't wait to tell his friends back at the zoo how much fun he's having!

Galdone's dynamic, amusing pictures add much humor to thefamiliar tale of the industrious hen and lazy cat, dog, andmouse.

The Magic School Sub takes the kids deep into the ocean, where they learn all sorts of fascinating facts about whales.

PreSchool-Grade 2?Hoff continues the story from where he left it 37 years ago.Danny returns to the museum to invite his dinosaur friend to his sixth birthday party.As in the original book, the dinosaur does things with his own unique twist, providing the humor beginning readers will enjoy.Though the illustrations are now fully colored, the characters and their expressions leave no doubt that these are the same friends from the past?with a bright future and deserving a spot on beginning-reader shelves.?Gale W.Sherman, Pocatello Public Library, ID Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to the Library Binding edition.

“A told B, and B told C, ‘I’ll meet you on top of the coconuttree.’” This rollicking rhythmic beginning starts a lively, tongue-tingling adventure as all the characters from A to Z try to climb to the top of the coconut tree. But will there be enough room? With an insistent, repetitive chorus of “chicka, chicka, boom, boom,” this book entertains while teaching the alphabet without even trying. Capital and small letters are both introduced. When all the letters get to the top of the tree, it bends over and all the “baby” (lower case) letters fall out. Then, each “adult” (upper case) letter comes, rescues its baby, and runs home to take care of their various (not serious) injuries. A very clever presentation of the alphabet.